Brochure Website for Beach-House Rental, ©2016.
Oloncito Dream Home
Vacation Rental Beach-House, Ecuador.
Website built for Oloncito Dream Home©, a Rental Beach-House in Ecuador. In a brochure fashion, we show all spaces for new clients wanting to spend time at this exclusive place in Ecuador.

Feel home, Away from home.
Responsiveness was the major concern, from the get-go, for this customer so his portfolio looks beautiful in all screens (e.g. desktop, iPads, and smartphones).
We did a lot of testing to accomplish this feature taking into account the most popular devices in the market.
These are typical page layouts for this job. You will never get to experience a full birdview of the pages as presented here, but it allows you to see what the job typically is in design mode. Based on this overall capture we can tell what works and what does not.

Blue Water, Golden Sand
the sand speaking
Oloncito Dream Home is a cozy vacation beach home close to a busy surfing town that we needed to communicate nature in the theme of this project. What else could it be? sand and water are features always present in the mood of this site. So you can feel the breeze not only from the pictures but from navigating the site.