
Pakos Home Repair is a Tampa based handyman who wanted to have some presence online with the idea of growing in the business overtime. He wanted a site which allows the flexibility of recycling his jobs in the future, sorting out the new projects from the old basic ones. As an small business myself, I did everything I could to help Pakos Home Repair.


Responsiveness was the major concern, from the get-go, for the way this eCommerce site would do business. Interacting with a young audience, so accustomed to mobile devices, required a design equally appealing on small screens and desktops as well.

Case Study

The following images are quick sketches developed in the 2 weeks timeline to complete this small job.  The idea behind the site is to create a startup layout with a basic gallery which eventually will replace itself with new works and projects.

Pakos Layout

These are typical page layouts for this job. You will never get to experience a full birdview of the pages as presented here, but it allows you to see what the job typically is in design mode. Based on this overall capture we can tell what works and what does not.

Home Page Layout

About Page Layout

Service Page Layout

Single Service Page

Single Service Page

Single Service Page


This was a small job done in 2 weeks using WordPress 4.+ for flexibility on Content Management System (CMS). Full control of the site was turned over the owner for updating content information as needed.

All images have specific ratios and proportions and owner was provided with psd mockups to stay away from causing inconsistency in the design intent.


Pakos Home Repair, Inc. / Service Portfolio Site

What We Did

Web Design and Graphic Design

What We Learned

We always learn something from a new job, small or large, when the driving force of a project is primarily helping others. We know Pako’s Home Repair will eventually see the returns on his investment when his list grow to a more selective line of customers.

True Power

Our design process is as basic
as it can be: pen and paper.

Simple Layout

Less is more found true meaning in our way of design.

Beyond Simple

We take simple to the next level without been distracting.

Contact Us

We are one click away from you. Send us a letter.